Are You Living in the Midst of the Unexpected?

Are You Living in the Midst of the Unexpected?

Are you living in the midst of the unexpected? If not, be prepared because the unforeseen is inevitable. While we may try to plan for every possible scenario, life is unpredictable. However, fear not; we can learn to navigate and embrace the unanticipated challenges. Perhaps you are in the midst of the unforeseen and feeling…

How Does Enduring Unexpected Circumstances Boost Your Resilience?

How Does Enduring Unexpected Circumstances Boost Your Resilience?

How does enduring unexpected circumstances boost your resilience? Life is full of surprises, but with them come hard-earned lessons and strength that can carry us through future challenges. In this post, my friend, Dr. Michelle Bengtson, shares the hidden importance of adversities and how you can embrace them to become more resilient. She will explore…

Will You Run Out of Resilience to Embrace the Next Unexpected Trial?

Will You Run Out of Resilience to Embrace the Next Unexpected Trial?

Wouldn’t you agree life can be unpredictable and full of hardships that test our strength? Whether it’s dealing with losing a job, a sudden illness, or going through a global pandemic; these difficulties can leave us overwhelmed and unprepared for the subsequent challenges that are bound to come our way. However, what if I told…

Five Practical Tips to Find Joy on Mother’s Day, Even When it Hurts

Five Practical Tips to Find Joy on Mother’s Day, Even When it Hurts

Mother’s Day is supposed to be a day filled with joy and celebration, but for those struggling with infertility, estrangement, or other challenges, it can be a reminder of what one doesn’t have. However, it is possible to find joy on Mother’s Day, even when it hurts, by implementing a few strategies. Join us as…

How to Stay Close to God in the Midst of the Unexpected

How to Stay Close to God in the Midst of the Unexpected

Do you stay close to God in the midst of the unexpected? Of course, we would all like to say, “always.” However, I imagine at times, the Lord may seem far away. The good news is He is always near, whether we feel Him or not. Yet, perhaps a few specific practices may help you…

Three Important Ways to Embrace Difficult Circumstances

Three Important Ways to Embrace Difficult Circumstances

Before the unexpected hits, it is always good to know a few practices that will help us to persevere well. After all, sometimes, it is hard to think straight when in the middle of hardship. Perhaps these three important ways to embrace difficult circumstances will benefit you.  Jeanne Takenaka, my friend, has had her share…

How to Live With Hope in the Midst of the Unexpected

How to Live With Hope in the Midst of the Unexpected

One thing for sure is that life is unpredictable! Yet, in the middle of uncertainty, there are some absolute truths that we can hold tight to help us persevere with strength through the unthinkable. Please welcome Donna Bucher as our guest today. She writes at Serenity In Suffering, where she shares peace and purpose in…

How Is God Good to You in Unexpected Circumstances?

How Is God Good to You in Unexpected Circumstances?

How is God good to you in unexpected circumstances? Did you know there is one specific gift He gives that is unbelievable and something we all need? While Abby McDonald faced an unexpected medical emergency with her child, she received something from the Lord that sustained and strengthened her. After all, the goodness of God…