Are You Challenged to Accept Other's Limitations?

I stood over my daughter’s bed and screamed at her, “Get Up, Get up, Get up” as she repeated back, “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t.” It seemed like the most absurd response I had ever heard. Her reaction and behavior were unexpectedAfter all, I was her mom, and she was to do what I had asked of her. Did she genuinely have limitations?  Was she physically unable to get out of bed?

Obedience was something that had come relatively easy up to this point; besides that, it was time for school. Oh my gosh, was this the dreaded teenage rebellion settling into our home, or was it something different? I had some control until this point—not that I had perfect kids, but they were pretty good. Now for some odd reason, I couldn’t get her out of bed.

I tried the patient and kind way, “Honey, it is time to go to school,” Then the angry mom way, “I said get up, do it now.” Then the teaching way, “it is quite simple to arise out of bed, all you have do is  put one foot in front of the other, see this is how you do it.”

Yes, I demonstrated the way one foot goes in front of the other. Okay, laugh—it is funny now, but at that time, it was not. I finally gave up and, out of exasperation, left the room. Here I was, the Mom, and I couldn’t get my child out of bed. How could this be?

You can read my daughter’s perspective on the same day by clicking here.

I was frustrated, angry, and I felt like a failure!

This failure was new territory, and I was not too fond of it. Little did I know, this was the beginning of my introduction to the world of mental illness. On that day, I had no idea what the “real” issues were. My life changed that day from orderly control to chaos and frustration in a quick minute. The structure I prided myself on soon became a world of the past.

I needed to move from control to acceptance, or I was going to drown.

We need to “Accept Mental Illness is Real.”

Recognizing mental illness is real can be challenging and quite a journey. It does not happen overnight. Click To Tweet

Up to this point, it never occurred to me that people might have different limitations from me. Then to complicate matters even more, those limitations in the world of mental illness can change at any given moment. After all, she got up yesterday; why not today?

It is easy to sit from our vantage point and say, “If I can do it, you can too.” But we have no idea the limitations someone else might be experiencing. Click To Tweet

I have read, studied, taught, and learned an immense amount about mental illness and what it feels like to be depressed. I know it is silly, but I have even laid in bed and tried to be depressed in the hopes that I could understand my loved ones and offer better help.

Education helps tremendously and has helped me to get closer to what it is like to live in the mind of someone with a mental illness. Learning skills to cope and new ways to help and support my loved ones has been essential. 

Recognizing mental illness is real has been challenging and quite a journey. It can be a challenge to accept others have limitations.

Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes

But the truth is, when you boil it all down, I still don’t know what it is like to feel clinically depressed. No one can walk in someone else’s shoes; we have to step in our own. It is impossible to know if it is too hard for another to get out of bed.

Fighting against the reality of mental illness is a waste of time and energy. We need to preserve our precious time and energy and channel it to better use. Judging someone else’s abilities will only leave us frustrated and worn out.

Knowledge and acceptance have spurred compassion, empathy, and understanding, which brings about a better Mom for my family’s unique needs.

I encourage you with whatever you are struggling with to try and put yourself in their shoes.

Choose Acceptance

After acceptance, you can begin the journey of understanding. After all, isn’t that what God does? He accepts us right where we are.

What limitations are you struggling to accept right now?

Embracing Faith & Mental Illness Community

Embracing Faith & Mental Illness is a Christ-centered online community for people who care for someone with a mental illness. We have four unique ways for caregivers to participate. You choose what works best for you. Click the graphic to discover what we have to offer.

 Click here to discover four unique ways for caregivers to participate.

Embracing Faith & Mental Illness

Upcoming Talk | Mental Health

How to Help Someone in a Mental Health Crisis

As a caretaker of a loved one with mental health struggles, you often carry more than your fair share of the weight out of love. Sometimes, this can impede healing. Learn from our guest, Darcia Fuqua, how to introduce responsibility, accountability, and independence on the healing journey. She will pull from her experience in a mental hospital and walk us through scripture on what it means to “carry each other’s burdens.”

When you register, you will receive a link from Zoom and again on the day of the talk.

Meeting Time Saturday, June 01, 2024: 8 – 9:30 am (Pacific Time) | 9 – 10:30 am (Mountain Time) | 10 – 11:30 am (Central Time) | 11 am – 12:30 pm (Eastern Time)

How to Boost Resilience Series

Explore how to boost resilience to embrace life’s unexpected turns with courage and confidence. This blog series provides the roadmap to developing unshakeable strength to thrive and find joy in any storm. Tap here to catch up on any missed articles.

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  1. I really like this thought: “Knowledge and acceptance have spurred compassion, empathy, and understanding which brings about a better Mom for the unique needs of my family.” 🙂

    I can’t relate to mental illness, but I can definitely relate to feeling like a failure in the mom-of-teens department! I, too, seemed to have so much more control when my kids were little. It can be SO difficult sometimes to muddle through the teen years!

    Thanks for sharing with us at Literacy Musing Mondays.

    1. Oh, those lovely teen years. They sure can be difficult. I am so glad we are out of those. Maree

  2. I am so thankful you are writing about mental illness. I come from a long line of women who have been medicated for depression at one time or another, including myself. A mild form for me but it comes in unannounced and unexpectedly and throws me off my feet. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Barbie, Thank you so much for sharing your own experience. I have not experienced it personally so it helps me, help my loved ones when I can connect with others that know first hand what it feels like to have depression. I can attest I have seen it rapidly take over unannounced and unexpectedly. I think those that fight mental health problems are brave, strong, and amazing.

      Thank you also for your encouragement to write about mental health challenges. I believe the more we educate and talk about mental health the better we can help and find more compassion instead of judgments.

      Hope you are enjoying your weekend,


  3. Acceptance is hard sometimes, especially with mental illness my son has schizoaffective and his brother would question whether it was real or if he was faking as did my other daughters but fortunately they all support him in his journey now even if they do not understand thankful for that small blessing

    1. Debbie – I am sorry your son has to struggle with a mental illness. I know it is hard for the entire family. You are so fortunate that your other kids support him. Have you ever taken the NAMI class Family to Family? It is a great class for the entire family. Blessings, Maree

  4. Thank you for continuing to share your journey so transparently and the lessons the Lord is showing you in the midst of it.

    I found myself pausing to reflect about “accepting others limitations” and realized this can look very different and be found in many different circumstances, yet the acceptance would be the same for all; for the very reason you stated – Jesus accepts us, we must show grace and accept others in their limitations.

    Thanks for this edifying post.

    1. Karen, Thank you for your encouraging comment. I am so glad you paused to reflect. Wishing you a Happy 4th of July. Maree

  5. Love this: After acceptance, you can begin the journey of understanding. That is such a profound truth. We each have our battles, struggles, wars to fight. This life was never promised to be easy, but with Christ we are able to love and learn through it all.

    1. Sarah – I love what you said, “but with Christ, we are able to love and learn through it all.” So true when we anchor to him possibilities are galore. Maree

  6. Oh, Maree, this is such a needed topic in the community, including the Christian community. So many struggling people who need help, not judgement. I lost my younger brother to a tragic event as a result of mental illness. There’s just not much help available for adults. I am so glad your daughter has a praying mama who does the homework needed to deal with this very real issue. Blessings!!

    1. Esther, I am so sorry you lost your brother. Sending prayers up for you and your family. I am not sure when your loss was, but I know the pain lasts a lifetime. I happen to be at the NAMI National Convention this week learning more ways to reach out and help families that struggle with mental illness. Thank you for stopping by and leaving such am encouraging comment. Blessings, Maree

    1. Sarah, I feel so lucky in that I received two comments from you today. Thank you for stopping by and reading. Maree

  7. These are wise words for navigating the rough waters of parenting — or for dealing with any of the difficult people we encounter. The more we love someone, the harder it is to take a “hands off” approach to loving them. Thankful that God is available with wisdom and plenty of grace.

    1. Michele – I agree with what you said, “the more we love someone, the hard it is to take a “hands off” approach.” I am trying to exercise a bit of that this weekend. I know the key is leaning into God. Maree

        1. I know for me its the only way I get through the rough stuff. Praying as I send this to you. Maree

    2. I have been reading over several comments made over the past few weeks tonight because my husband & I are spending time with our daughter who struggles with borderline personality. She & her husband have two little boys (an infant & toddler) and, unfortunately, are stuck in denial over her mental illness. After only being in their home approximately 24 hours, I have found myself being unfairly targeted & used, once again, as a “scapegoat.” However, I am hanging onto the fact that “with Christ, I can love & learn through it all”, no matter how upsetting, hurtful and difficult it may be. Thank you, Maree, for providing this wonderful blog and support group!

      1. Bette, Praying for you. I know it must be difficult, but you are so right with Christ you can love. Let it roll right off. Maree

  8. Thank you, Maree! I have been holding on and not giving up for over 25 years, thanks to the strength God has provided me. I am determined not to quite and so appreciate your blog which helps me keep going, despite my very difficult and painful circumstances. It makes me so sad to know a young child is being used as a “hammer” as well, but I know God has His eye on him!

  9. Thanks for that story and for the encouragement; I have a similar story of a daughter who I discovered has mental illness, so it provides comfort to know that I’m not alone. While I was originally challenged to accept the fact that she had a serious disorder, my challenge over the last few years has been to accept that she is in extreme denial over it. It’s a real challenge, especially now that she’s married and I have a grandson, to accept that she is very hostile towards me for believing she’s mentally ill, and has chosen to turn it around on me, refusing to be in relationship unless I “abolish” that thinking! HELP!

    1. You are definitely not alone. That is a lot to accept. I always say one step at a time. Remember acceptance doesn’t mean we give in, give up, or agree with the other person. It just means we accept things as they are. Don’t lose hope. Things can change. I know she is blessed to have a mom that won’t give up.