How well do you listen to the Holy Spirit? How about when the voice asks you do to something that feels uncomfortable?
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

How well do you listen to the Holy Spirit? How about when the voice asks you do to something that feels uncomfortable? Do you immediately jump up and follow through or squirm about trying to convince yourself it was your inner voice, not God’s?

Sometimes it can be hard to decipher between self-talk and the holy spirit. However, I have realized if it’s something loving, lines up with the bible, and is a bit awkward, it usually is from God. After all, I don’t often encourage myself to step out of my comfort zone into unfamiliar territory. How about you?

A Prompting From the Holy Spirit

When the Holy Spirit prompted me to start writing and speaking, I was a bit perplexed and terrified. These two pursuits had never been on my radar. I felt ill-equipped, and yet my heart desired to be obedient. It took me a few years but eventually, I jumped in; after all, who was I to argue with God?

Has God ever prompted you through the holy spirit to do something that stretches you beyond where you feel comfortable? 

God Equips

The Lord didn’t waste a minute; He gave me exactly what I needed— cheerleaders to encourage me along the way. Today, I want to mention one. My sweet friend Elisabeth. Not only has she been an inspiration behind many posts like “The Best Thing to Do When Life Is Difficult.” But for the last five years, she has been a force behind the scenes. 

Elisabeth has been an integral part of Embracing the Unexpected as she diligently edited my posts with no pay or public recognition. Through her constant encouragement, prayers, and her belief in me, I have managed to push through the fear and hit publish each week. I couldn’t have done it without her. I’m not that brave.

The good news is when we listen to the holy spirit and step out in obedience, God will equip us. #HolySpirit #equip Click To Tweet

Forever Grateful

I will forever be grateful for her time and will miss partnering with her in ministry as she steps out to pursue some new and exciting changes in her life. Thank goodness she will remain one of my dearest friends who does life with me. At the mere mention of a need, she lights her prayer candle, sends a picture, and petitions God. She is a woman who listens well to the Holy Spirit and encourages others to do the same.

Will you step out with confidence the next time you hear the Holy Spirit prompting you to do something?

Featured Post

Today, in our featured post, Paris Renae shares a time when she heard the holy spirit but chose to ignore the message, which created extra pain and agony. Her post happened to catch me smack dab in the middle of ignoring a prompt from God. Although I had missed the opportunity, I quickly scrambled to get somewhat close to what God had asked of me.

“We easily write off the Holy Spirit. Too undefinable, too hard to explain—we think. But oh what wonder in discovering that Jesus’ words about sending a Counselor to be with us were not idle words. They were a promise.” 

Paris Renae

Now for our Featured Post

“Must Listen”

By Paris Renae

Click here to read.

Today, our featured post on Grace & Truth Link-Up is written by Paris Renae—“Must Listen” #graceandtruth #featuredpost #graceandtruth #featuredpost Click To Tweet

It Takes Practice to Listen to the Holy Spirit

Do you always listen well to the Holy Spirit? How do you decipher His voice from your own? In the coming weeks, we will pursue what it means to listen.

Let's start learning how to listen to the Holy Spirit. After all, God's plan is always better. #listen #HolySpirit Click To Tweet

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  1. Love this post! I can really relate. I’m such a logical person and I often trust in my own logic and calculations before relying on faith or the prompting of the Holy Spirit. It’s been a Long road, God teaching me too listen to Him and not lean on sight or self too much. I know too well the hardship & agony brought upon by not listening to the counselor he’s given us.

    1. Kara, It was so nice to read your comment and know I am not alone. At this very moment, I am struggling with my logic and what the Holy Spirit has spoken. I am still learning. Thank you for commenting.


  2. I needed this reminder today, Maree. It’s so easy to ignore the Holy Spirit and think we’re hearing our own voice. Love the advice that the Holy Spirit will always align with the Word and is usually uncomfortable.

    1. Ashley,
      I am so glad this post was a good reminder. It was for me too. I have been slowing down and listening more this past week. Your sweet message reminded me about the uncomfortable. I was about ready to do an about-face on what I clearly hear the Holy Spirit saying. Being obedient isn’t always easy. Blessings, Maree

  3. Ugh, I’ve had to learn lessons the hard way like Paris too. 🙁 It’s not always easy to distinguish the voice of the Spirit from other voices in my head, but I want to get better and better at it so I can love better and better. Thanks for the encouragement, Maree. And how wonderful that you’ve had Elisabeth for so long as a fellow journey-woman. So valuable!

    1. Oh, I am still learning too. I have loved reading the comments on this topic. I love what you said, “so I can love better and better.“

  4. Yes, l discern the Holy Spirit’s prompts similarly Maree. They normally go against my inclination. 😉 But are so much wiser & bring so much blessing!

  5. When the prompting leaves me feeling uncomfortable, a little out of my comfort zone – I’ve learned that’s God. When I feel like a bull ready to charge in – that’s me! LOL I’m learning to stop the “me” from charging (and that’s been a tough one) – and learning to step past the uncomfortable into what He wants me to do – there’s no bull in that, a lot of humbleness and much more carefulness.

  6. I struggle with discerning between the Holy Spirit and my own inclinations, too. Your thoughts are helpful that it’s probably from God if it’s “something loving, lines up with the Bible,” and is a bit uncomfortable. I think it’s that discomfort that makes me want to think the thoughts are not from Him, so then I have an out for not following through.

    1. Barbara, Yes, I am right there with you. The uncomfortable wants to assume it is not from God, so I don’t have to follow through. Maree