How God’s Grace is Enough in the Midst of the Unexpected

How God’s Grace is Enough in the Midst of the Unexpected

When the life you planned takes an unforeseen turn, are you filled with fear and left to wonder if you have what it takes to persevere? Perhaps you are in the middle of unanticipated circumstances, desperately trying to hang on. Do you know that God’s grace is enough in the midst of the unexpected? Discover…

Two Choices That Help in the Wait When God Closes a Door

Two Choices That Help in the Wait When God Closes a Door

Do you ever pray for God to close a door He doesn’t want you to go through? Then He shuts that opening, and you find yourself in utter shock and despair. It leaves you at a crossroads, usually in the middle of a waiting period. Quite possibly, you feel helpless and out of options. However,…

How to Find Peace in the Storm of Unexpected Pain

How to Find Peace in the Storm of Unexpected Pain

Unfortunately, on this side of heaven, life is painful and challenging at times. We have all experienced hurt, no matter how hard we have tried to avoid the feelings. The good news is we don’t have to wait for the storm to pass and the hurt to cease before we can find peace. God desires…