5 Ways to Take One Step Closer to Jesus This Easter

5 Ways to Take One Step Closer to Jesus This Easter

This Easter, will you step back and focus on deepening your connection with Jesus? After all, Spring is a time of new beginnings. We can come together to celebrate Jesus’s Resurrection and the power of His love. Amidst the excitement, it is easy to get caught up in the festivities and forget to reflect on…

Will You Linger in Christ’s Pain and Ponder the Gift of Grace?

Will You Linger in Christ’s Pain and Ponder the Gift of Grace?

Do you want to jump ahead to Easter Sunday and pass over the suffering Jesus endured? It is hard to pause in the grief and physical anguish the Lord’s Son suffered as He neared His imminent death. Will you linger in Christ’s pain and ponder the gift of grace with me?