When Joy Feels Wrong in the Midst of the Unexpected

When Joy Feels Wrong in the Midst of the Unexpected

Do you struggle to allow yourself joy when those around you suffer profoundly? You are not alone; this challenge is a common occurrence. Maybe their struggle is so intense that it feels inappropriate to show or experience happiness. Yet, when joy feels wrong in the midst of the unexpected, it is crucial to recognize that…

Are You Living in the Midst of the Unexpected?

Are You Living in the Midst of the Unexpected?

Are you living in the midst of the unexpected? If not, be prepared because the unforeseen is inevitable. While we may try to plan for every possible scenario, life is unpredictable. However, fear not; we can learn to navigate and embrace the unanticipated challenges. Perhaps you are in the midst of the unforeseen and feeling…

How to Embrace Gratitude in the Midst of the Unexpected

How to Embrace Gratitude in the Midst of the Unexpected

Maintaining a thankful heart can be challenging in today’s tumultuous world. Practicing gratitude can feel like an impossible task when faced with overwhelming circumstances. However, learning how to embrace gratitude in the midst of the unexpected will not only be helpful—it is essential to our well-being!

How a Grateful Heart Helps Us Draw Closer to God and Inspires More Joy

How a Grateful Heart Helps Us Draw Closer to God and Inspires More Joy

Do you ever long for a deeper spiritual connection to God? Or desire more unhindered joy in your life? If so, get ready to unleash the immense power of gratitude while unlocking a wellspring of blessings along the way. As thankfulness radiates from within, you will see how a grateful heart helps us draw closer…

Will You Run Out of Resilience to Embrace the Next Unexpected Trial?

Will You Run Out of Resilience to Embrace the Next Unexpected Trial?

Wouldn’t you agree life can be unpredictable and full of hardships that test our strength? Whether it’s dealing with losing a job, a sudden illness, or going through a global pandemic; these difficulties can leave us overwhelmed and unprepared for the subsequent challenges that are bound to come our way. However, what if I told…

What Can You Do to Help Your Husband Be the Best Dad?

What Can You Do to Help Your Husband Be the Best Dad?

As moms, being your spouse’s biggest cheerleader is essential to help your husband be the best dad possible. But what happens when you’re not sure how to go about it? Today on the blog, we have you covered. Our guest Lori Schumaker shares 11 ways to encourage and uplift your husband in his role as…

Five Practical Tips to Find Joy on Mother’s Day, Even When it Hurts

Five Practical Tips to Find Joy on Mother’s Day, Even When it Hurts

Mother’s Day is supposed to be a day filled with joy and celebration, but for those struggling with infertility, estrangement, or other challenges, it can be a reminder of what one doesn’t have. However, it is possible to find joy on Mother’s Day, even when it hurts, by implementing a few strategies. Join us as…

5 Ways to Take One Step Closer to Jesus This Easter

5 Ways to Take One Step Closer to Jesus This Easter

This Easter, will you step back and focus on deepening your connection with Jesus? After all, Spring is a time of new beginnings. We can come together to celebrate Jesus’s Resurrection and the power of His love. Amidst the excitement, it is easy to get caught up in the festivities and forget to reflect on…