Man sitting watching a sunset | Do you ever feel ill-equipped to help? Did you know there is one thing everyone can offer someone with a mental illness? 
Photo by Tobias Bjørkli from Pexels

Do you ever feel ill-equipped to help someone that is struggling to cope? If the person appears to have mental health challenges, do you politely back away or pretend you don’t notice? Did you know there is always one thing everyone can offer someone with a mental illness? 

Sometimes we try hard with our words and actions, yet we seem to come up short in lessening the pain of others. However, there is always one valuable act we tend to underestimate. #pain #help Click To Tweet

Be Present

Being present sounds like an easy task. However, it takes a little practice. Listen with empathy, compassion, and no judgments. Seek to understand the pain, not fix it. 

Man sitting watching a sunset | Do you ever feel ill-equipped to help? Did you know there is one thing everyone can offer someone with a mental illness? 

Why is Being Present Valuable?

Nothing says you care more than being present. After all, when you are hurting or struggling, doesn’t it feel good not to be alone? Trust will build in the relationship and create more understanding and compassion. Giving someone our presence is a beautiful way to express our love. 

Nothing says you care more than being present. After all, when you are hurting or struggling, doesn’t it feel good not to be alone? Click To Tweet

Remove the Obstacles

It can be as simple as leaving your phone in your jacket, leaving the laundry undone, or the house a mess. What obstacles keep you from being present with another?

When You Fail to Reach Someone With a Mental Illness 

Recently, I found myself discouraged in my attempts to reach a friend with a mental illness who was stuck on a thought that made no sense to me or others. With my words of encouragement, validation, and praise, I tried to help, yet my attempts didn’t seem to lessen the anguish. 

As I sat in the other room, discouraged, near tears. I remembered a task a therapist had given me years ago that had worked beautifully. 

Today, when you spend time with a loved one, don’t try to fix things, cheer them up, or take away their pain if they are struggling. Instead, sit quietly with them in their suffering. 

I would love to tell you I mastered this, and all turned out well. However, remember those obstacles I mentioned above; I let them interfere as I tried to give the gift of presence, and I was only 1/2 there. The good news is God made me quite aware of my weak attempt and gave me another opportunity. 

Do you sometimes try to multitask while caring for another? 

Everyone Can Offer Something to Someone with a Mental Illness

When God gives us the chance to be the hands and feet of Jesus amid someone else’s pain, let’s not miss it. 

After all, the Lord meets us right where we are, and we can do the same for someone else. It doesn’t matter if we are professionals, caregivers, strangers, or friends; we all have something to offer someone with a mental illness—our presence speaks volumes.  

How has being present for someone with a mental illness helped?

What is One Thing Everyone Can Offer Someone with a Mental Illness? #mentalillness #mentalhealthawareness Click To Tweet

Mental Health Awareness Month

Will You Join Us in Learning More About Mental Health?

Orange tent | Mental Health Awareness Month
Click the graphic to take you to our Mental Health Awareness page.

Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up

Featured Post

Today, our featured post is from Katie Dale, a guest on Lauren Sparks’ website. Katie shares some fantastic insight on how we can end the stigma in the church toward mental health. She gently reminds us God gives each of us grace, and when we extend that grace to someone with a mental illness, it might encourage them to get the help they need. I loved her words, especially these—

” Per the golden rule, may we put ourselves in others’ shoes, and if they don’t “fit,” may we educate ourselves, so they do.” —Katie Dale

Now for our Featured Post

End Stigma in the Church: Be Doers, Not Hearers Only

By Katie Dale

Click here to read.

Today, our featured post on Grace & Truth Link-Up is by Katie Dale— “End Stigma in the Church: Be Doers, Not Hearers Only.” #graceandtruth #featuredpost #graceandtruth #featuredpost Click To Tweet
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Maree Dee – Embracing the Unexpected

Lauren Sparks

Lisa Burgess

Tammy Kennington

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  1. This is excellent! I love how you stress that all of us have something to offer someone who deals with mental illness because too often we may think we have to be professionals. This leaves people more isolated than they already are. Thank you for this!

    1. Patti, Yes, you are so right. It does leave people more isolated. Thank you for adding your words to the conversation. I hope you are having a great week. Maree

  2. Maree,
    This is terrific advice. I suffer from OCD and depression and when I’m having and episode, just having someone near and not having to be alone in my suffering is a wonderful gift…no need to fix anything, just be with someone who is hurting.
    Bev xx

    1. Bev,
      Thank you for adding your thoughts and experience. Plus, I always need to be reminded I don’t need to fix anything. I hate to see those I love suffering, and I want to make it better for them. However, I am not Jesus. So many times, I underestimate the power of presence. I hope you have a fantastic weekend.

  3. Truth> Being present for someone is pertinent in supporting a loved one with mental illness. It still floors me at how mental illness is STILL stigmatized today. Our understanding and knowledge has come so far but is still so stigmatized away. Thank you for sharing Maree. Blessings.

    1. Yes, we have come a long way, but we still have further to go. Stigma is so prevalent, not only in the big wide world but within our smaller circles too.
