Woman looking up Are you waiting for something right now? Today, find out how to stop the worry in the wait before it robs you of your joy and strength.

Are you waiting for something right now? Perhaps, a job, a prodigal child to return, healing, or a relationship to restore. If so, have you discovered that distress intensifies while waiting? Today, find out how to stop the worry in the wait before it robs you of your joy and strength.

I am a semi-non-worrier, but when my child fell ill, I met my match. My ability to not worry dissipated into thin air. As I waited for healing, it became apparent I had to find a way to embrace the worry and give it to God. I discovered seven actions that help, and they are mentioned in the post, ”How to Embrace Worry in the Unexpected.”

Cast all your anxiety on him because He cares for you.


Have you ever noticed when you worry in the wait, the “What If’s” surface? Once we start down this road, it isn’t easy to turn back. When this mindset starts, the “what if’s tend to multiply. Is this true for you too?

Find out how to stop the worry in the wait before it robs you of your joy and strength. #worry #wait Click To Tweet

Featured Post

Barbara Harper wrote an excellent post last week on how to change the way we look at our concerns. She addresses how to stop the worry in the wait before it robs us of our joy and strength. Best of all, she leaves us with placing our hope right where it belongs, even if our worst fear comes true. 

Now for our Featured Post

From “What if” to “Even If”

By Barbara Harper

Click here to read.

Today, our featured post on Grace & Truth Link-Up is by Barbara Harper— “From “What if” to “Even If”” #graceandtruth #featuredpost #graceandtruth #featuredpost Click To Tweet
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  1. Maree, God has shown me this year that I have a problem with worry especially in a wait. It’s been a year of learning to turn my concerns over to God and leave them in His hands. So much easier said than done!

    1. Jennifer, It is an honor to host Grace & Truth. After all, I get to read and meet online people like you, so full of wisdom. Thank you for participating. Maree

  2. Thanks so much for sharing this post. These are things I have to go over with myself repeatedly. It would be nice to conquer worry and “what ifs” once and for all, but it seems instead to take repeated applications of truth. But maybe that keeps us more dependent on the Lord.

    1. Barbara,
      It is always an honor to share your posts. They are always so insightful. I am right there with you as far as the “what if’s. I must keep applying God’s truth.