City | When you look around, the world is full of suffering. We wonder, does our pain matter? After all, the despair around us is intense.
Photo by Saketh Garuda on Unsplash

When you look around, the world is full of suffering. A friend diagnosed with cancer, a momma burying her child, and then the horrifying scenes from Ukraine where people are without a home, hungry, cold, and dying. We wonder, does our pain matter? After all, the despair around us doesn’t seem to compare to our hurt.

The Result of Comparison of Pain

Beware, when we compare our pain to others and deem it unworthy of acknowledging, it tends to leave us hiding from our hurt. And when we hide, it can rob us of the comfort, joy, and peace God has in store for us. Yes, even in the midst of unexpected pain, our Lord provides.

Our affliction never entirely stays buried; it will seep out and wreak havoc in everything in its path. Haven’t you ever attempted to hide from your pain only to explode over a tiny irritation? An explosion of anger that makes no sense and usually lands on an undeserving person.

Discover more insights on why we cover up our pain in this article, “Why Are You Hiding From Your Grief?”

Why Compare Our Suffering

Why should we compare our trouble to someone else’s? Our ache is real and deserves to be acknowledged. Yes, looking at another’s suffering can help put our hurt in perspective so that we aren’t stuck; unable to move forward. However, comparing doesn’t wipe away the fact that we hurt too. Why not embrace all pain without a measurement attached?

When someone is hurting, they need their ache acknowledged, not wiped away. We need to do the same for ourselves. After all, pain is pain and all worthy of recognition. #pain Click To Tweet

God Cares About Our Pain

Person on a hill | When you look around, the world is full of suffering. We wonder, does our pain matter? After all, the despair around us is intense.
Photo by Alessandro Erbetta on Unsplash

1 Peter 5:7 NLT

Clouds | When you look around, the world is full of suffering. We wonder, does our pain matter? After all, the despair around us is intense.
Photo by Alessandro Erbetta on Unsplash

Psalm 147:3 NIV

Do you struggle to allow your pain to matter when someone else’s appears more? 

Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up

Featured Post

Last week, Shannon wrote beautiful words about validating our pain. She explains two crucial points when minimizing our suffering, and then she offers a better way. I hope you will click over and read her inspiring post.

Now for our Featured Post

Your Suffering is Valid, Even When Others Have it Worse

By Shannon B. Coleman

Today, our featured post on Grace & Truth Link-Up is “Your Suffering is Valid, Even When Others Have it Worse” by Shannon B. Coleman.— #graceandtruth #featuredpost #graceandtruth Click To Tweet
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I have been featured badge | When you look around, the world is full of suffering. We wonder, does our pain matter? After all, the despair around us is intense.

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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee

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    1. Lynn, Of course, it is easier said than done. I often measure my pain which only leaves me trying hard to cover it up. Praying we all can get better at embracing our pain and that of others without trying to evaluate if it is valid enough. Blessings, Maree

  1. I used to be one of those who thought my suffering wasn’t as important as everyone else’s. I’m not sure where the roots of that belief system came from, but I’m so thankful God set me free from that lie because our pain does matter. It especially matters to God. Thank you for this wonderful reminder!! 💗

    1. Susan, I am so glad God set you free. Thank you for sharing. I, too, must remind myself that my pain matters to God. Blessing to you. Maree

  2. “However, comparing doesn’t wipe away the fact that we hurt too. Why not embrace all pain without a measurement attached?” So true, Maree. Shannon’s post hit home for me too and I also featured it this week! I love when that happens.

  3. Thank you so much for featuring my post on how all suffering is valid! The things I mentioned there have helped me over these past few weeks as I see all that is happening in the world. I hope others also benefit from it.
    Have a good weekend!

    1. Shannon, It was an honor to feature your post last week. Your words were so wise, and I believe all suffering is valid. I hope your weekend is excellent. Maree